Tuesday, November 6, 2007

You know what i hate?


They are annoying and they hurt. The only reason i get them is because either picture day or something to do with pictures is coming up(mom wanted to get our pictures taken) or my body just feels like torturing (spelling?) me.
I hate them i hate them i hate them I HATE THEM!!!
the only thing i can do is put on
with DRYING ACTION!!!!!!
Sounds exciting doesnt it?
Just be thankful YOU dont get them.
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1 comment:

Tami Wyatt said...

I'm sorry you have another cold sore but I have to tell you that you wrote a wonderful blog post about them. Nice pictures, too!

Why don't you ask your mom to talk to a pharmacy and see if it would hurt you to use Abreva? You know that I get monster size cold sores and the pain is like no other. I use Abreva and it works like magic. It is expensive but it is worth every penny.

What ever medication you use just be sure to use it constantly...and that should help with the pain.