Friday, April 18, 2008

Chuck Close

This is one of my favorite paintings from chuck close. Look closely and you can see the way he works his magic! This painting is called Lucas II.

Not brunch, Leckfast

Well last week i had some fun. I went out to leckfast with Hannah Montana, Ashley Tisdale, Zac Efron, Destiny, Meghan , Krystal, Ashley, and Breann. We went out to a wonderful restaurant called "A Place to have Leckfast with Movie Stars and your Best Friends from Two Different Schools" a.k.a "APLMSBFTDS". Its my favorite place to have french toast, eggs (cooked over easy), hash browns, pancakes, bacon, salads, sandwiches, soups, and all of YOUR favorite leckfast foods. So we all walked in and this is pretty much how our convo went...

Me: Omg, I love this place! They have the best leckfast foods!

Hannah Montana: Ya. It smells good in here!

Breann: I don't think I'm gonna like anything but sausage!

Me:(giggling) They don't have sausage! they only have bacon because I do not like sausage!

Breann:(mad dogging me) I hate you.

I giggled again.

Zac: Hey ladies chill. Everything is going to be just fine.

Me:(staring @ Zac talking like a love struck pre-teen) You always know just what to say Zac!<3

Ashley:I hope they have pickley cheese!!!

Me Bre and Ash start rotfling.

Destiny: (talking to Meghan and Krystal) Are they serious?

Ashley Tisdale: Can we sit outside? Its such a beautiful day today!

Hannah Montana: Ya its so pretty outside!

So while we were walking outside to our table we ran into Chuck close.

Me: OMG ITS CHUCK CLOSE!!!!!!!! I hope he'll paint a portrait of me! I wonder how i would look all pixley!

Krystal:(talking in her cute baby voice) Oohhh! I hope he'll paint me too. I wanna see how he does it!

Chuck: Why hello everybody! I would love to paint a portrait of you guys! After you are done
eating we can go to my house and I can can show you other paintings I've been working on.

Meghan: Sounds like a plan.

Ashley Tisale, Zac Efron, and Hannah Montana: Who was that???

Me: Hes a famous artist who paints in a really cool way like pixels on a computer or TV screen.

Destiny: And in the 80s he had an accident called the event where all of a sudden during a
speech he was paralyzed from the neck down. That's why he was in a wheel chair, but he uses this thing taped to his hand that he uses to paint!

All the stars:Wow.

Me: Ya i know.

So we all sat down to eat our delicious leckfast and I'm tired right now and if i don't give Jake a bath, moms gonna kill me so tomorrow I'm gonna tell you the rest. I would like to give a a special thx to Nana!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Sorry i haven't been on in a while! Computer troubles. I had installed a new thing for one of my three cameras and it crashed my Internet settings, but luckily daddy came to the rescue! So has everybody heard of ? It is so hilarious! There's these pictures of cat doing funny things and you can put in captions or vote on "lolz"(as they call them) that other people made. My favorite part is making them and sending them to all of my friends and family. If you haven't got one from me and you want to see what a comic genius i am comment me and if i have your email address i will start sending them to you too!

Friday, February 22, 2008


im bored.
post comments
ill be nice
execpt if this is mrs.marshall
i wont be nice
i dont like her
love ya♥

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Cant live with em. Cant live with out em.
I would throw my computer across the room right now if dad wasnt over there.
It has been so annoying.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

the rest.....

Well, we had fun at breanns. you know that.

The next day(saturday)i got to go to see a play with nana, beka(i have a post about her that will shock you),auntie, and nanas friend carol. We saw the play, The King and I and nanas friend joyce's son michael was the king. He was really good. Sadly, now I have that one eliza song stuck in my head(run eliza run...). Every one was really good and sang verry well. A fter the play we all went to BJs and i had a sandwitch (dont ask what i had to go through to order that sandwitch the way i want it). Then we went home.

Now you wait to hear about the best part because mom is making me turn it off to do homework. Homework doesnt do anything for you espically when you are in the gate class. All it does is kill trees. I mean its not like we are going to forget what we JUST LERNED. Whatever. ill type the rest later.

Monday, February 4, 2008


I know i havent been on in a while but thats because on my house computer i couldnt go on but now i can because i got my own laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even though it is old, its mine and i love it.

Anyway, now on to last weekend.
Last weekend was the busiest weekend i've ever had in my life!
On friday, i had a sleepover at Breanns house. We had a lot of fun. It was bre, me , ash, amy(friend), Bailey+Lexi(friends from dance),and my auntie came!One of the funnest things we did was we did each others makeup but the artist was blindfolded! And you couldnt feel around to see if you were in the right spot! You just had to stick out where you think the lips, cheeks, and eyes are! So everyone ended up with lipstick on their chins, blush on their noses, and eye shadow on their cheeks.( i had a pic but some are on this computer, and some are on the other but i will have some pics). Another thing we did was we played Singstar.When it was mom and aunties turn they did girls just wanna have fun and (no offence) they werent the best. They didnt even have 2,000 points!!!! Oh well i have to go to bed. Ill type the rest tomorrow!