Wednesday, February 6, 2008

the rest.....

Well, we had fun at breanns. you know that.

The next day(saturday)i got to go to see a play with nana, beka(i have a post about her that will shock you),auntie, and nanas friend carol. We saw the play, The King and I and nanas friend joyce's son michael was the king. He was really good. Sadly, now I have that one eliza song stuck in my head(run eliza run...). Every one was really good and sang verry well. A fter the play we all went to BJs and i had a sandwitch (dont ask what i had to go through to order that sandwitch the way i want it). Then we went home.

Now you wait to hear about the best part because mom is making me turn it off to do homework. Homework doesnt do anything for you espically when you are in the gate class. All it does is kill trees. I mean its not like we are going to forget what we JUST LERNED. Whatever. ill type the rest later.

1 comment:

Tami Wyatt said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the play. I did, too.
(Nana's friend is named Joan.)

Now I have the "Run, Eliza, Run" song stuck in my head, but I hear "Elijah" instead of "Eliza".

I'm glad you are posting more often these days.