Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Sorry i haven't been on in a while! Computer troubles. I had installed a new thing for one of my three cameras and it crashed my Internet settings, but luckily daddy came to the rescue! So has everybody heard of ? It is so hilarious! There's these pictures of cat doing funny things and you can put in captions or vote on "lolz"(as they call them) that other people made. My favorite part is making them and sending them to all of my friends and family. If you haven't got one from me and you want to see what a comic genius i am comment me and if i have your email address i will start sending them to you too!

1 comment:

Tami Wyatt said...

I love getting your LOLZ! I look forward to each and every one of them. I also look forward to your blog posts. There is so much going on in your life that it shouldn't be hard to write at least once a week.

Love, Auntie