Monday, July 30, 2007

The beach and a bloody toe

Last weekend I went to the beach with Cathrine,Madison,and Daphne (Kingsmen friends). We had a lot of fun. We went boogie boarding, watched the surfers, got free junk from the booths, and saw Shrek the third for the Fourth time. When we were @ the beach one of the booths we stoped at was a mialtry booth and me and cat saw how long we could hang with our chins over the bar. My time was 52 seconds and cats was 61 seconds.The other thing we did was we got things spray painted on our legs and backs. It was fun. When I got home I had sat down and watched some TV. Then I went into the kitchen and I was blood on the floor. It was Paul's toe. It was bleeding like someone had chopped it off! It was so gross! It had turned out all he did was pick a scab. Looks like hes never gonna do that again!

Disneyland (part 2)

Buzz Lightyear!!!!
Sorry! that was the only picture i could find!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dont Kill me!

I haven't been posting because nothing much has happened. I'm still waiting for mom to upload pictures of Disneyland on our computer and I'm about to go in the dining room, get moms camera, and do it myself!
Kitty update: The kittens have moved to the kitchen.We have tried to give them real kitten food but they wont even go near it! They should have been ready @ 3 weeks old but now they are 6 weeks and they all spit it out when i gave it ti them! I hope things will change.:-/

Friday, July 13, 2007

Disneyland (Part one)

Yesterday, my family,my cousins Katie, Matt, and Scott, and I went to Disneyland for Matt's 3rd birthday. We had a lot of fun. I got to ride fun rides, trade pins, be with my family and I got to see Fantazimic. Since this years theme for Disneyland is "Year of a Million Dreams" they have crew members that are called "The Dream Team" and they make your dreams come true. So while we were trading pins with one of the crew members, they asked us where we lived, how many times a year we came,
and if we had seen the show fantazimic. We had seen it before but we were in the very back row and right as the show started everyone would stand up so unless you were 1,000,000,000,000,000 feet tall you couldn't see anything. So she said how about if I set up some front row seats in honor of year of a million dreams? We all said "OK!!!!Ü". So we got to see the show! But the said thing about that is 2 minutes into the show birthday boy Matt was out cold!!!!! But Jake had a good time and so did I!!!!(Next post will have pictures.)

Monday, July 9, 2007

My First Blog

Hello to everyone reading. Nothing much has happened lately. But every time something does happen you will be the first to know.;-)